Download GeoSOS
GeoSOS for ArcGIS 
You can download GeoSOS for ArcGIS 1.1.2a (last updated on 6 May 2018) here, includes software installation file, default tutorial data.
GeoSOS for ArcGIS runs on ArcGIS for Desktop 10.X platform in Windows operation system, now 10.2 and later versions are available to install and use.
Also, you can download:
Other tutorial data (last updated on 25 April 2017) here.Tutorial viedos about software installation and using (last updated on 25 April 2017) here.
Stand-alone GeoSOS
You can download GeoSOS 1.2.1 (last updated on 30 Oct 2014) here. Supported Operating Systems of GeoSOS include Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows XP.
You can download the example data of GeoSOS 1.2.0 and later version (last updated on 15 February 2010) here.
You can download User Manual for GeoSOS 1.1.1 and later version (last updated on 13 November 2009) here.
Also, You can download a Chinese version of User Manual for GeoSOS 1.1.1 and later version (last updated on 13 November 2009) here.
Note: If you hava installed a previous version of GeoSOS, please remove it before a new installation.
Contact Us
Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions about GeoSOS. We will appreciate your contributions. Pleasse contact Dan Li.
Also, you can visit our Google Group to talk about anything about GeoSOS.
Update Record:
The latest version: 1.2.1
Pulish Time: 5/22/2010
2010.05.22 Version: 1.2.1
1.Fix the function of customizing land use type information.
2.Fix the problem of logistic regression error that is caused by error data.
2010.02.15 Version: 1.2.0
1.Add the function of point optimization.
2009.11.13 Version: 1.1.1
1.Add the function of customizing land use type data.
2.Add the function of reading and writing system config information.
3.Update the function of painting custom ASCII files.
4.Fix the problem of outputing intermediate results in Logistic-CA.
5.Fix the problem of reading data when building decision tree.
6.Fix the problem of writing elapsed time string when simulating.
7.Update the help document of GeoSOS.
2009.10.12 Version: 1.1.0
1.Add the function to save images to ASCII txt file.
2.Update the help document of GeoSOS.
2009.09.27 Version: 1.0.1
1.Fix the problem that buttons in CA Wizard Windowo may not show up automatically.
2.Add default Land Use Types for automatically showing in the CA Wizard Windowo.